Mindful Movement Press


What School Administrators have to say about our programs:

2023 Good 'Burger Winners & Nominees

This award recognizes organizations in the health & wellness sector that go above and beyond to provide unique products or services to help build a thriving St. Pete community where clients feel stronger, healthier, and happier.

10 Tampa Bay WTSP x Mindful Movement

“This group is bringing mindfulness and mental health exercises to underserved communities in the region.”

St. Pete Catalyst x Mindful Movement

Clayton talks with St. Pete Catlyst about mindfulness, the community and how Mindful Movement Florida wants to help merge the two to create healthier lifestyle changes.

Mental health in the Black community: Clayton Sizemore, Mindful Movement Florida

“Mindfulness basically means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings or bodily sensations, and our surrounding environment; we want to try and do that from a gentle nurturing awareness,” - Clayton Sizemore

Mental health in the Black community: Clayton Sizemore, Mindful Movement Florida

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Fox 13 acknowledges our programs on a morning segment with Clayton Sizemore

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We are featured in Healthy St Pete September Spotlight Article

6 ways to Naturally Boost Your Immune System.

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Healthy St. Pete

Clayton Sizemore talks with Healthy St. Pete about how necessary it is to pay attention to our health, especially in these challenging times.

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Founder, Clayton Sizemore made an appearance on a segment with LiveBeYoga ambassadors Jeremy Falk and Aris Seaberg to talk about the work he has been doing in St. Petersburgh, Florida.

Urban Yoga Foundation

Clayton Sizemore talks about Kegel exercises and how it can help prevent prostate cancer by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises also improve bladder control and can improve sexual performance.