Clayton Sizemore

After 36 years as a broadcast manager working for ABC, NBC and the world news leader CNN, Sizemore has reimagined his career by taking control of his future embarking on the next phase of chasing life and longevity as a certified yoga instructor and certified travel agent. A results-oriented self-starter with a solid background in broadcasting and finance, Sizemore is an organizational master and an effective communicator. His proven record of success in television news management has earned him professional accolades as an excellent problem solver, decision-maker, team player, and motivator.

Born in Mount Vernon, New York, Sizemore grew up in a generation and an environment of social empowerment and change. Personal childhood influences from leaders in politics, arts and religion like Nina Simone, Betty Shabazz, Adam ‘Clayton’ Powell and James Baldwin, all made impressions. Those impressions set a standard for excellence that remain a part of his personal and professional work ethic.

An active resident of St. Petersburg Florida, Sizemore is the founder and senior instructor at Mindful Movement Florida, an ambassador with the St Pete Chamber of Commerce chairman of the SpeakEasy M.E.D.I.A. Foundation Scholarship Program a 501(c) 3 organization created in honor of his dearly departed wife Andria Hall, the award-winning journalist.

Blessed to be the father of three amazing adults Sizemore believes that with faith and perseverance all things are possible!


Latreca Bonner